"I should be asking for your autograph!" -- Queen Latifah, Musician and Actress
"Thank you so much for the big, beautiful print of me & Cristina. What a sweet photo!" -- Jon Spencer, of Pussy Galore, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, and Boss Hog
"My favorite photographer!" -- Elaine Kaufman, Elaine's Restaurant
"What wonderful pictures! I cannot believe how lucky I am to have these. Thank you so much..." -- John Adams, Former President, Natural Resources Defense Council
"You are very easy to work with." -- Robert Pollard, Guided By Voices
"Thanks again, man. Super glad I was able to get your eye and expertise and I'm psyched...a perfect day." Eric Lane, producer, and musician with Rubycon, Los Compleanos, and others.
"I don't think I've ever enjoyed a photo session before, Brennan. Thanks for making it so lively." -- Julie Lasky, former EIC of I.D. Magazine and DE of The New York Times Home section
"OMG how exciting...Thank you for best photo shoot ever."-- Liza Featherstone, Journalist and Writer
"We liked that picture so much we got the band back together!" -- Austin Hughes of M. Shanghai String Band, The Poor Things, Very Pleasant Neighbor
"Brennan: The book’s out, graced with your stunning photographs [of Edward Gorey]! With all good wishes for 2019." -- Mark Dery, Author, "Born to Be Posthumous: The Eccentric Life and Mysterious Genius of Edward Gorey"
"I loved our session yesterday! You liked my ideas and I became increasingly comfortable being the model which is not my thing. Your work was terrific, perfect for my upcoming memoir shot. You were sensitive, responsive, complimentary (and complementary) to the process. Thank you for bringing your expertise and self to this experience. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I believe the photos are the evidence." -- Jane Pollak, Professional Co-Active Coach and Author
"Your name was just brought up in our staff meeting, everyone was 'ahh, so nice.' and 'we love Brennan' and then I looked good because I had hired you. THANK YOU." -- Jane Brien, Director of Alumni/ae Affairs, Bard College
"Brennan was soooo the right choice for this! Not just his (obvious) skill and acumen, but his spirit: so many of these photos are filled with the joy of the moment because that's exactly what he was looking to capture. And his constant smile and effervescent personality no doubt contributed to the moments he managed to capture for posterity. Five stars - highest rating..." -- Cornell Green, Stuyvesant High School Class of 1977
"AMAZING! no one else could have made those shots. I love this shoot, you totally got us." -- Bradford Reed of Blue Man Group, OHM Slice, and Anthems From The Void
"Brennan's pictures are a cross between Caravaggio and Robert Frank." -- Reverend Billy Talen, Theatrical Political Activist
"Brennan precedes his camera..." -- Théodros T., Politcal Activist and Artist
(Photograph by Catherine Talese)

I have been photographing the action around me since I got my first Kodak Instamatic camera as a kid. Growing up in Western Massachusetts I put my early neighborhood playmates in front of that lens. It was a natural move in high school save up for a Pentax K1000 and join the yearbook staff. That made me more hungry for image-making, so I entered and won photo contests and awards, and built a local client base, before graduating South Hadley High. Bard College accepted me into the undergrad photo department where I studied with Stephen Shore and Ben Lifson. I was awarded the grade of Honors, twice, and finished my studies early so I could concentrate on my Senior Project. While there I also formed The Bard Photography Club, brought photographers (Nan Goldin, William Christenberry) to speak on campus, and curated student exhibits. After short stints living in Memphis, TN and Philly PA I finally moved to New York City to work with Mark Seliger (Rolling Stone. etc.), Mary Ellen Mark, and Dan Winters, to learn the high-pressure business of professional photography. Since the mid 1990's I've hung my own shingle, making portraits and shooting stories and events, and my photography has been commissioned by T-Mobile, Pepsi, Rolling Stone Magazine, The Source Magazine, Magnet, GQ, Esquire, etc, and have had my photographs exhibited internationally. When I'm not shooting I love to pass on my knowledge and experience to people of all ages through classes and workshops -- for people ages 7 to 97 -- to help them take control their own visual worlds. My tagline: "we are all responsible for the images we leave behind."
See Clients page for list of magazine and corporate clients.
See the Contact page for further work links.
(note from Lizzie Conner, Director of New York City Rock Camp)